
192 entries in this archive

Tuesday 11 April, 2017

Joy Flight ( 1900 words, 10 minutes)

At Writers’ Circus we were challenged to write a piece about flying.

This tale recounts a short joy flight we experienced in Australia when visiting friends.

It happened a long time ago, but the take-off and landing trauma is with me still.

Far better to be in a big, big plane, with eyes firmly closed.

Tuesday 11 April, 2017

MuriPueriTrium (The Three Boys of the Wall)

This story was written for Euan, our neighbours’ son, then 9 years old.

It is a story about three boys who live at the Antonine Wall, near Bearsden.

The boys live on the safe side which is controlled by the Romans.

They have been told repeatedly never to go north of the wall to the lands where the savage Pictish people live.

However, the best fishing is in the Pictish lands, and the lure of Trottus Enormos proves too great.

Wednesday 15 March, 2017

On The Beach

This is a wee tale set mainly in Dornoch, a tidy, well-heeled coastal town on the far north east coast of Scotland, famous for its golden sand beaches and its world-renowned golf course.

It was written as a response to a Writers’ Circus challenge - “I should have said something.”

The story centres on the actions of Janine, recently retired, who finds a suspicious object on the beach, while walking a friend’s dog.

Saturday 18 February, 2017

The Indian Hill Adventure

This story was written for a girl called Olivia Angelica who lives in Connecticut, USA.

Olivia always looks for opportunities to help people.

This is self-reader for children aged 8 to 11 or a “read to” for younger children.

Saturday 18 February, 2017

Theo’s Big Secret

This is a story about a little donkey called Theo who lives in Italy.

Theo liked to run, even in his dreams.

One night he was taken on a long, long journey.

His friend Sheila wanted to know where he had been, what his “Big Secret” was.

This is a “read to” story for younger children or for 6 and 7 year-olds as a self-reader.

If you would like a print copy, get in touch through the website contact form.

Tuesday 14 February, 2017

Gleamers (about 5 minutes)

This short piece of nonsense was a response to a Writers’ Circus challenge.

We were asked to write about an exchange of emails or letters.

After a few false starts, this surreal piece wrote itself.

Tuesday 31 January, 2017

Just Prawns, John!

This is a tale of a man who goes out into the gloom of a blustery afternoon in late autumn in search of prawns to make a spicy stir fry. . ..

Recently I came across what turned out to be an older version of this story that was full or errors!

I went at once to this website and read the ‘posted’ version which, while passable, needed improvement.

Here is the revised version.

Tuesday 3 January, 2017

Flash Flood (about an hour)

Some time ago I wrote a story called “Driven”, which involved a lady police officer called Gemma Brownlee.

In Driven Gemma was a secondary character.

In Flash Flood she takes centre stage.

Beware, this contains some bad language and references to sex and drugs.

Tuesday 3 January, 2017

Running With Wolves (about 30 minutes)

This is a story which came from a challenge I set for the Writers’ Circus.

I started out on a quite a different story and then, because I could not get it finished on time, I turned to this.

Where did it come from? No idea.

Let me know what you think?

Tuesday 3 January, 2017

Early One Morning (about 10 minutes)

This is a tale based on my father who was variously known as John, Jack and Jock.

The essence of this tale is true. My father was a joker who enjoyed winding people up.

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